The other day I ran into an extremely forward woman. Very attractive and if I had those tendencies still she would of got a rise out of my tranny cock, especially dressed in her emerald green silk wrap dress. Course I dont lean that way. I enjoy men. Especially dominating men.
Well she seemed very intent on getting to know me regardless of whom I let between my legs or so I thought. As I gave her a smile it was then she told me how attractive I was. OH yes we were going to need to have that talk of yes your attractive woman but I like dick. Course before I could open my mouth to give her my its not you its me speech. She was saying how she and an interesting proposition for me. Which of course had my ears just perking up.
I do love a good proposition. Especially for a sexy woman.
What could it hurt to have coffee with her?
So off we went to a little corner coffee shop where she proceeded to buy me a frothy mocha drink and herself some green tea latte. Her perfectly red painted nails were all I noticed as she swirled the stir stick around and around in her paper cup. The glimmer of a diamond ring on her left finger sparkled from the over head lighting.
She started out by saying she knew that I wouldnt be interested in her and she had no interest in me either. My eyebrow raised up. Now I really wanted to know what this little minx was up too.
She was there for her husband and to have some one teach him how to suck a cock. I think the look on my face told her I was really not sure what she was tossing out at me. So that is when she started at the beginning. That her name was Carla and she had been cucking her husband since before she married him. That he had never known the joy of fucking here pussy without the sensation of a creampie in it.
I had to admit I have chatted to quite a few cuckolds with doing phone sex and those coming around the club but never really talking to a woman like herself who had blatenly admitted she cuckolded her husband and really didnt think there was any other way in a married life really.
That of course didnt tell me why Carla was talking to me a transexual.
After a sip of her green tea latte, she smiled and started in on why she had stopped me. For she was looking to expand her husbands horizons so to speak. Currently, he was enjoying eating cream pies but she needed to move him along in his cuckold training into being a fluffer. Course she is sensitive to her husbands needs and doesnt want to shock him into something he isnt ready for and she felt that bringing in some guy would just be too much for his little brain to understand.
She had watched some porn on line where guys suck tranny dick and those trannys taught the men how to suck a cock properly and that is where she got the idea really. For her husband likes attractive woman and would do anything. She has gotten him to suck her strap on a number of times and that a tranny would be the thing to get him over that cock sucking hurdle. Plus I would know what its like to suck a cock and would be able to give him pointers on what to do.
Carla did paint a rather interesting view on teaching her husband to suck cock. Of course I know what its like to suck a cock and would be able to give him some great pointers. And how could he not get excited over my sexy self.
I really didnt have to think twice about this proposition. I was all in!
So I know your going what happened well how about you call me and find out what happened with Carla and her husband.