Bare Back Phone Sex Slut Courtney

Yes I know I told you I was all safety first. You must wear a condom to fuck me. Well that was a bit of a little white lie. Ok actually the only little white thing is your cock since I will gladly be a bare back phone sex slut for those massive big black cocks. Ooops did that come across harsh?

Well I wont apologize for it.

bare back phone sex slut

See your lucky I even let you fuck me in the first place with that 2 inch dicklette. Seeing it barely able to fill out a regular size condom was most hilarious. I just couldnt imagine what it would be like to have that thing rubbing against my perfectly pink pussy walls. Not that you could rub them. Pretty sure that wanna be clit never made it past my pussy lips. Ya that moaning was all fake. Much like me being all YIPPPPEEE you can fuck me. It was nothing more than a pitty fuck. Something for you to remember when I let you become my cuckold.

As I see it becoming my cuckold your allowed 1 pitty fuck a year. Looks like your good till December 2018. Oh and next time yes you will be all bundled up in a condom again. This time I will humiliate you even further by making you wear a magnum XL condom. You know the type of condom my bulls wear IF I made them wear one but since their cocks are so massive I love feeling their smooth cock head slapping against the wall of my cunt.

Come to think of it you will want them bare back in my pussy too for thats how you get near my pussy as the clean up boy. Licking up all that chocolate dick snot from my lovely vagina. I know so mean of me but after 12 long months of not being able to fuck it you will be happy for the privledge of just licking out that cum any time you can.

Give me a call for some hot bare back phone sex slut fantasies. My name is Courtney your lady in the street and freak in the sheets.