Know you are all rather curious what a sweet phone sex princess gets up to on the weekend. So am I actually! Cause you all know I am anything but sweet. As for what this fucking awesome princess was up to this wonderful weekend it was chilling with a few of my hot girlfriend sitting back on the deck and enjoying some wonderful bevies.
Not sure if it was the drinks or the sun but either way one of my friends started doing that where do you see yourself in 5 years thing. Pretty sure she saw one too many 2020 memes around the 5 year things. Anyways she was all I wanna be married and decorating my new home with a baby on the way. Total gag city if you ask me.
My next friend was back packing with her boyfriend and ya totally see that except we went for a walk on the beach and the girl complained about carrying the drink cooler so you fucking know that is not gonna happen but what ever.
They hit me and I was like debating do I tell them what my actual dream life would be in 5 years cause I have to say being a cuckold phone sex princess really has altered my view on marriage and well relationships in general. Granted I am only 21 but really the thought of settling down with one guy is like eww city. Pretty sure at some point I would be expected to settle down and having one serious relationship but damn who wants to give up amazing cock and commit to just one. What happens if he is just mediocre. Like he can give me everything but the sex is eh.
Sorry but I still wanna be a total princess no matter who I marry or date or what ever. So ya thats where I am at. Is this considered a life crisis at 21? Trying to negotiate the idea of being a cuckold princess in a world that isnt ready for that sort of relationship?
Oh bet your wondering what I told them?
Ha well half the truth that I would be marrying some dude old enough to be my grand daddy and praying he croaks cause he has an amazing bank account. Like I said the phone sex princess thing aint a joke.
Just ask for Bree the hottest and brattiest phone sex princess around.
Cuckold Princess’ Twitter CuckoldFetish