Broken Condom Fantasy with Kassidy

Do you have a broken condom fantasy?

Well I sort of have a little confession to make. Granted I probably have made this confession to those that have called me over the years but I think its time to come clean. See I was just cleaning out my condom basket beside my bed to see what was good an what not. There was a few well expired condoms in the basket.

broken condom fantasy

Granted i should of been rather upset with myself for not going through that basket of contraceptives but have to admit there was that rush. A rush of wondering if I had used them expired condoms. Then my mind racing to the last time one broke. Was it one of the expired ones?

Then I sort of had that moment of glee which yes I know bad but if your into broken condom fantasies you  know exactly where this cuckold princess mind is going. Should I keep them in the basket and pray the guy never notices. I mean all for safe sex and most times I am not even into wearing them but there is that thing of leaving things to chance.

Karma sort of stepping in and say poof you should have a pussy dripping full of cum and well here you go that condom breaking mid thrust.

The last time that condom broke gotta say I never noticed he was pounding me so fucking hard that I would of told him to shut the fuck up I dont care dont stop fucking me. It was that good and I was so close to cumming on his cock that stopping was no an option. Usually they will stop and be like umm it broke holding  their cock half exposed from the broken latex. Ya thats hot lets keep going.

Sure a broken condom fantasy becomes far hotter when its wrapped up in a cuckold role play and I am your girlfriend who said I would fuck others but always use a condom. Ooops Sorry baby it broke didnt mean to take that cock bare back.

Anyways I am gonna let my mind wander around what other fun broken condom fantasies I can come up with that have me being a sexy cheating girlfriend. Love for you to join me with some of your ideas.


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