With the current heat wave I must admit that I am wearing less and less around the house. Though I have never been one to full on adopt the nudist lifestyle I am quite comfortable in wearing panties and a cami around the house. Now why would I say this?
Cause I know how many panty sniffers there are out there. Well I am more aware of them after all the panty sniffing phone sex fantasies that this sexy cougar has been doing. I was just wanting to point out that unlike some women out there who opt to ditch their clothing during the summer months you will dirty boys will still be able to play in my hamper. In the quest to find some dirty panties to sniff.
Now as to what panties you will find this week. Lets consider this a panty update. I have been wearing quite a few thongs since my summer dresses have been so light weight. I really hate having panty lines when wearing a dress. Plus when you stand up regular panties just seem to have those dresses bunch up in the edging. Cant have that. So thongs it is. So you will enjoy running your nose along the crotch of those panties knowing its been rubbing along my pussy and right up my ass.
Also there are a few cotton bikini panties for I love the feel of a natural material against my body. Must say after a good fucking with my BBC boyfriend those bikini panties are the best cum catchers ever. The cotton just soaks up his juices the best.
Perhaps thats an over share but I feel I can share that info with you.
So there you go the assortment of panties that are in my laundry hamper for you to dive into and run your nose over. Course there maybe a few other things in there that you wish to sniff as well but to find out what those are you will just have to call this sexy cougar for your very own panty sniffing phone sex fantasy.
We can talk about any and all topics around panty sniffing. Just ask for Jillian.