minions. So you thought you would check out Cuckold Phone Sex and see if it fits you. Well being a PHONE DOMME I will tell you this you dont have the option of trying on Cuckold Phone Sex and seeing if it fits you. Your either a cuckold or your not!
The question is how does one find out if they are a cuckold?
Simple a woman is going to put you into that category. She will be the one introducing you into the cuckold lifestyle due to many factors. One which is the most common you have a small cock. You cant help it you were born that way but that doesnt mean a woman has to suffer with your lack of sexual prowess. Far from it this is where cuckold phone sex comes in for a woman can date you for I am sure some where under they you have some redeeming qualities. What ever they maybe.
The other is your simply worthless and not worthy of fucking a woman. Trust me more often than not men who call me fall into this category. your looking to find that magical thing that will make you more fuckable but really your not. Never will be. you dont have the sexual attraction and woman are destined to cheat on you. That is your whole dating history really. If you have one. Well a cuckold phone sex princess will introduce into a world where you can have the girl but she will humiliate you in ever sense of the word by fucking other men.
So as you can see I can really go on and on as to why you would be prime specimen for cuckold phone sex but really what it comes down to is the woman in your life is going to make you be her cuckold. There is no choice from you. For you know that deep down you will never get a woman to fuck you or pay attention to you. This is as good as it gets. So accept the cuckolding lifestyle.
Any questions? I am sure there are for you worthless men always do have questions about how you can avoid being a phone sex cuckold.
You may call ME but really I am only going to prove in more ways as to why your a cuckold.