Sensual Phone Tease Arianna Here!
Ok ever had an erotic phone sex call that just completely blows you away and your left going shit that was so amazing! Well same thing happens with us kinky phone girls as well. Be it the guys voice was super hot. Had that wee bit of an accent that has a girls panties getting wet or be it the fetish topic or maybe the conversation over all just flowed so sweetly.
I mean it can be anything really.
Well, I guess a few days ago now there was this guy who called and it was one of those calls where he was looking for a fantasy or roleplay he wanted to just talk. Talk about his fetish for he wasn’t able to share it with anyone. Not like most you taboo fetish lovers can share your dirty sensual secrets with just any one. I mean that’s why you need an equally dirty phone girl. He just wanted to talk about cock.
Big Black Cock to be exact.
He had a fetish for BBC cock.
He wanted to talk about the size.
The shape.
The first time you saw one.
The first time you fucked one.
Just everything about a big black dick.
As the call went on and we started sharing more and more big black cock fetish stories he was getting more and more excited. Then his true interests started to come out. Those secret desires that no one knew.
Just wanted to say thanks for the call it was so much fun. Loved sharing my personal bbc phone sex stories
Do you have a fetish for big black cock as well?
Give Cuck Princess Arianna a call the number is below